What is WHIM?

We Build Strong Foundations!


what is whim?

WHIM is how you build a strong foundation. WHIM™ is designed to help attendees understand the four elements that make for highly productive individuals.

WHIM™ is found in a series of books and training sessions that help attendees understand and use WHIM™ as a tool to equip children, students and employees with the DNA that is found in successful individuals.

  • Hire on a WHIM™

  • Character on a WHIM™

  • Marry on a WHIM™

  • Conflict Resolution on a WHIM™

WHIM™ is valuable because it is an easy to remember acronym that can be used in the home, classroom, or boardroom. WHIM™ is:

Work Ethic: A set of values based on the moral virtues of consistent hard work and diligence.
In short: A diligent response.

Humility: The willingness to be taught or corrected and the desire to honor others before self.
In short: A teachable response.

Integrity: A commitment to make the correct moral and ethical decision, even when forces are telling and pulling one to do otherwise. 
In short: The ethical response.

Maturity – Wisdom, born out of life events that give individuals the ability to express the right emotion at the right intensity and the discernment to interpret other’s emotions.
In short: An appropriate response.

WHIM™ – training classes and keynote topics

Hire on a WHIM™

This 3-4 hour interactive course will have each attendee ready to hire the best.  Attendees will look at resumes in a whole new light. Old interview questions come alive as you tune in to what really matters in a prospective hire.  Attendees will learn how to identify and the four qualities that you must hire because you cannot teach. The most common response to this module is “Garrett, now I know why certain employees didn’t work out.  I wish I had known this years before.”

Character on a WHIM™

We help build foundations. If you are a parent, teacher, coach or mentor then you are in the foundation creation business. Students are wet cement and as they grow older the cement is drying. The Character on a WHIM curriculum helps you understand the value of each character trait and ideas on how to make impressions upon the wet cement.

Attendees will learn why teachers and professors are in a unique and honored position to help develop these life-skills. Character on a WHIM™ will help every attendee fully grasp the concepts that lie behind the acronym. They will discover that their days are filled with learning opportunities and teachable moments. The time to make lasting imprints on these student’s hearts is limited. As educators we can not be content to graduate smart students, they must be students who possess strong foundations!Character on a WHIM™

Marry on a WHIM™

Does Mr. or Ms. Right have the foundation needed for a life-time commitment. The time to examine the foundation is while dating NOT after you say, “I do.” It is essential that the husband and wife-to-be understands why WHIM™ is so essential for a successful marriage.

Sadly, many discover that qualities they hoped their spouse had are missing or weak. Many marry hoping that their spouse will change and grow up as time passes but most of those situations do not end well.

Begin a relationship by knowing the right questions to ask, what to look for, and why there should be no compromise. Start with a strong foundation and Marry on a WHIM™

Conflict Resolution on a WHIM™

Conflict is costing your organization. Unresolved conflict festers and divides, teams, associates and damages relationships. Conflict on a WHIM™ is a process that is dependable and helpful to buiding and restoring relationships with solid foundations.

Understanding the conflict is the first step in solving it. Using the lens of WHIM™ helps each party identify what is at issue. Setting clear objectives and expressing each component of WHIM will help lead to peace and forgiveness. Master this process and you will experience healthier relationships.